T-rex Plants Blog

Published weekly. Ish. You can also follow along on Instagram at @trexplants

Etiolation in Succulents and How to Prevent It

Last week, I talked about etiolation in cacti, how to spot it, and how to prevent it. This week, let's talk about the ways we're torturing our succulents with inadequate light. Quick refresher on etiolation: When grown in inadequate light, plants will stretch and...

What Is Etiolation and How Can You Prevent It?

One of the most common issues with growing cacti and succulents is the problem of etiolation.  But what is it, and why should you care about it? Etiolation is an effect from growing a flowering plant in too little light, whether that's just not quite enough or even...

Growing Notocactus schlosseri – Cinnamon Cactus

These are a fairly common little cactus that I've had for quite a while, and sold quite a few of. A very attractive little cactus that stay a small, manageable size, they do well as little potted plants. As with most Notocactus species, they produce huge, brilliant...

Surprising(ly Stinky) Stapeliads

Originally printed in the February edition of the San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society newsletter. Easy San Diego Growers The genus Stapelia hails mainly from South Africa, as many of our favorite succulent species do. They’re generally low-growing, spineless, and...

How to Germinate Anthurium magnificum Seeds

Continuing the theme of Anthurium magnificum this month, I also recently harvested my Anthurium's berries and successfully germinated the seeds! Most of what I've read about Anthuriums has said that they're not self-fertile, but this plant made two blooms that just...

Anthurium magnificum Bloom Cycle, Continued

Anthurium magnificum Bloom Cycle, Continued

Continuing the bloom cycle of my Anthurium magnificum, right around the end of the month the plant decided it was done with the female phase of the bloom cycle and it was time for pollen. You can see the previous photos of the inflorescence emerging and entering...

How to Arrange a Succulent Painting

How to Arrange a Succulent Painting

A recent project I wrapped up just in time for winter rains was the addition of this stone alligator to our front courtyard area. After a trip to Mexico for my brother's wedding, we picked this up on our drive home. I didn't have a plan for it, just a general idea of...