T-rex Plants Blog

Published weekly. Ish. You can also follow along on Instagram at @trexplants

Growing Notocactus schlosseri – Cinnamon Cactus

These are a fairly common little cactus that I've had for quite a while, and sold quite a few of. A very attractive little cactus that stay a small, manageable size, they do well as little potted plants. As with most Notocactus species, they produce huge, brilliant...

Growing Sulcorebutia arenacea

An uncommon genus is the Rebutia or Sulcorebutia genus, which can form small clusters of plants (sometimes just a single main 'head'), often with small, dense spines. They tend to stay small, developing large clusters over time, and while cute aren't always very...

How to Grow Astrophytum myriostigma

These little cacti are favorites for almost all collectors; I can't think of any growers I know who don't have at least one in their collection (or had one at some point, anyway). The lack of spines, the alien-like appearance, and something about how sculptural they...
Care Diary: Stenocereus beneckei

Care Diary: Stenocereus beneckei

The Stenocereus beneckei is one of those cacti that when you see one grown in greenhouse conditions, or sheltered from natural rainfall, it absolutely takes your breath away. The ghostly pale body and stark contrast of the spines draws the eye no matter who you are. ...

Conophytum Eye Candy, Part 3 – Visit to Steve Hammer

Conophytum Eye Candy, Part 3 – Visit to Steve Hammer

As I said earlier, I took hundreds of photos when I visited Steve's, but I've cherry picked the best to post here.  Steve was a wealth of knowledge, kind, friendly, and it was wonderful to visit. His assistant, Oakes, was also extremely kind and helpful in showing off...

Conophytum Eye Candy, Part 2 – Visit to Steve Hammer

Conophytum Eye Candy, Part 2 – Visit to Steve Hammer

These photos are of named species that I could identify, although I won't claim any expertise in what's what.  I personally struggle to grow conophytums, or at least I have in years past. I think I tried too hard with them before; too much water in their off season,...

Care Diary: Gymnocalycium vatteri

Care Diary: Gymnocalycium vatteri

I love Gymnocalyciums, and these are one of my absolute favorites. With an appearance that looks like they were chiseled into shape, mild spines, and huge, showy flowers, there's a lot to love about these cacti! Species Description and Distribution Gymnocalycium...

Care Diary: Thelocactus hexaedrophorus

These incredibly slow-growing, turtle-shell looking cacti are one of those species in a collection that can be a clear indicator that you've encountered a real cactus nerd. They're uncommon (and slow growing) enough that you rarely, if ever, see them at your typical...

Surprising(ly Stinky) Stapeliads

Originally printed in the February edition of the San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society newsletter. Easy San Diego Growers The genus Stapelia hails mainly from South Africa, as many of our favorite succulent species do. They’re generally low-growing, spineless, and...