by Jen Greene | Jan 12, 2022 | Echeveria, Succulents
A recent project I wrapped up just in time for winter rains was the addition of this stone alligator to our front courtyard area. After a trip to Mexico for my brother’s wedding, we picked this up on our drive home. I didn’t have a plan for it, just a... by Jen Greene | Dec 8, 2021 | Echeveria, Succulents
The beautiful Echeveria agavoides was the first succulent that really sucked me in to learning about the types and cultivars out there for some species and hybrids. They’re generally quite easy to grow, quite forgiving, and can show some gorgeous coloration...
by Jen Greene | Jul 14, 2021 | Agaves, Aloes, Astrophytum, Cacti, Copiapoa, Echeveria, Ferocactus, Gymnocalycium, Mesembs, Notocactus, Pilosocereus, Succulents
I’ve been slacking a little lately in adding new species to the collection pages, as well as keeping my posting routine consistent – and there’s a good reason for that! For the last couple months, a massive chunk of my free time has been spent on...
by Jen Greene | Feb 17, 2021 | Echeveria, Succulents
Echeveria Bambino! A cute little hybrid I picked up from a Hawaiian importer that has some absolutely beautiful plants. This one was a hybrid I picked up because I thought, originally, it’d be a fairly pale and powdery hybrid (I was going through a distinct...
by Jen Greene | Feb 9, 2021 | Echeveria, Succulents
Echeveria “Tippy” is in my top ten favorite hybrids, despite how common it tends to be. You can find Echeveria “Tippy” either as an imported hybrid or at your nearest big box store, with a corresponding price point. I’ve seen them...
by Jen Greene | Feb 3, 2021 | Echeveria, Succulents
Succulent species and hybrids are wildly popular, and there are nearly infinite hybrids and crosses as well as cultivars available on the market for any collector to find. For those new to the hobby, or even those who have been around a while but are just exploring...