T-rex Plants Blog
Published weekly. Ish. You can also follow along on Instagram at @trexplants

Care Diary: Notocactus uebelmannianus, AKA Parodia werneri
Today, let's talk about a cactus that is a dainty little favorite of mine: Notocactus uebelmannianus (try to say that 5 times fast), or Parodia werneri (much easier to pronounce). It's a small, unassuming little species that is hardy, easy, and very forgiving of...

What’s Blooming This Spring: The Cacti
We are well into spring here in San Diego, and it's beautiful! Usually, there's more rainfall and cooler weather, but this year has been warm and dry. It makes for easy growing for many cacti and succulents, as they strongly prefer having dry roots when the weather is...

Care Diary: Pilosocereus azureus – or is it pachycladus?
This probably should have been my first blog post, as Felicia the Cactus was really what kicked off the level of collecting that has become my norm. I've had this cactus since October 2015, making it one of the cacti I've owned the longest (next to the Echinopsis "LA"...

Care Diary: Ferocactus macrodiscus, the mini barrel cactus
This little cactus is unassuming, easy, and a charming little addition to any cactus collection. Ferocactus macrodiscus is a small-growing cactus, typically growing to about 12" in diameter but exceptional plants may reach up to 24". They have a nice, bright green...

The Humble Split Rock: Pleiospilos nelii
Originally printed in Volume 56, Number 04 of Espinas Y Flores - the San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society Newsletter for April 2021. For many of us, the experience of first spotting a split rock is the same: walking through the nursery or garden center, and you see...

Care Diary: Aloe Hybrid Collection Update
With spring in full swing in San Diego, many plants are starting to wake up. I'll do a quick tour of my aloe hybrids in this post, which are beginning to really expand their growth or produce regular bloom stalks. I've been doing some intentional pollination of...

Why I Shower With My Plants And You Should Too
You read that right. I'm that crazy plant lady who showers with her plants. Before you hit that back button, let me explain. It's only my houseplants, and I'm not like, bathing with their leaves. We happen to have a shower large enough that I can stick a few in there...

Care Diary: Neoporteria senilis – or is it Eriosyce?
Neoporteria or Eriocyse senilis is a goofy, frizzy looking cactus that is easy to grow, stays small, and produces the biggest display of brilliant flowers I've ever seen. They're uncommonly available, and are listed under either genus. They're very variable, and have...

How to Repot Your Cacti: A Guide for Beginners
It's one thing to bring a cactus home from the nursery or hardware store, and another to actually get it out of the pot and into a new one. For the absolute novice, figuring out how the navigate the spines can be daunting, as well as figuring out what "good" soil...

Care Diary: How to Care for Lapidaria margaretae, the Karoo Rose
Caring for the Karoo Rose, or Lapidaria margaretae, is refreshingly easy and straightforward for a mesemb. Similar to Split Rocks, they are a fairly forgiving species that puts up with most novice mistakes. It's the lone species in its genus, although it used to be...