How to Grow and Care for Star Aloe Hybrids

How to Grow and Care for Star Aloe Hybrids

Aloe hybrids are a little harder to find information for in regards to care, particularly when you compare them to a specific species (which usually has locale data associated).  When you find an ambiguously labeled “star aloe hybrid”, what should you do...
The Humble Split Rock: Pleiospilos nelii

The Humble Split Rock: Pleiospilos nelii

Originally printed in Volume 56, Number 04 of Espinas Y Flores – the San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society Newsletter for April 2021.  For many of us, the experience of first spotting a split rock is the same: walking through the nursery or garden center, and...
Care Diary: Aloe Hybrid Collection Update

Care Diary: Aloe Hybrid Collection Update

With spring in full swing in San Diego, many plants are starting to wake up. I’ll do a quick tour of my aloe hybrids in this post, which are beginning to really expand their growth or produce regular bloom stalks. I’ve been doing some intentional...