T-rex Plants Blog
Published weekly. Ish. You can also follow along on Instagram at @trexplants

San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society Show Highlights, Part 3
See the previous posts... Part 1 Part 2 Continuing the discussion on cacti from the last post about the show highlights, we'll continue through the rest of the cactus category. Compared to the intensely popular Ariocarpus and Astrophytum, these categories tend to have...

San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society Show Highlights, Part 2
Part 1 can be seen here! And now...My favorites! I am deeply partial to cacti over succulents, in part because they hold up so well to my benign neglect. I also enjoy the shape they grow in, and for my favorite species, the spines are attractive as well. Most of all,...

San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society Show Highlights – Part 1
This year I was fortunate enough to be both a vendor and exhibitor at the SDCSS Summer Show & Sale, and it was a ton of fun. Lots of time spent with some really incredible folks, and it's always super cool to see the incredible specimens that other people have...

The Great In-Ground Lithops Experiment: How I Successfully Grow Lithops In-Ground
In the early days of the pandemic, we all found ways to keep ourselves entertained with the lockdown restrictions. Some of us baked, some of us learned knitting, some of us got into plants...and some of us got really into plants. I was in the plants category, but it's...

How to Sex Your Euphorbia obesa (and why its so hard)
A super, super, SUPER common question I've heard and that our cactus club answers is "how do I know if my Euphorbia obesa is a girl or a boy?" It's usually asked immediately after the person has found out that our little baseball plants are generally only one gender;...

How to Grow Frailea castanea
These tiny little cacti are adorable and remarkably easy to grow. With few spines and a small adult size, plus how well they thrive in partial shade, these are ideal for windowsill cultivation. Because they also self-fertilize (even without their flowers opening!),...

Diving Deeper Into Lithops: Foundational Knowledge
Let's talk about some of the basics of what you need to know to grow Lithops, and the foundational knowledge that you'll need to rely on to find exactly what you're looking for. As with many highly desirable plants, these little mesembs are victim to two of the...

Growing Echinopsis subdenudata – the Domino or Easter Lily Cactus
This cactus is one of the more common species available, often seen at your local big box store or even just sitting in the plant area of a regular grocery store. They're small, easy to grow, and produce huge, beautiful white flowers every spring. They're not just...

Etiolation in Succulents and How to Prevent It
Last week, I talked about etiolation in cacti, how to spot it, and how to prevent it. This week, let's talk about the ways we're torturing our succulents with inadequate light. Quick refresher on etiolation: When grown in inadequate light, plants will stretch and...

What Is Etiolation and How Can You Prevent It?
One of the most common issues with growing cacti and succulents is the problem of etiolation. But what is it, and why should you care about it? Etiolation is an effect from growing a flowering plant in too little light, whether that's just not quite enough or even...