T-rex Plants Blog

Published weekly. Ish. You can also follow along on Instagram at @trexplants

Anthurium Ace of Spades – Highly Coveted and Gorgeous

In the COVID plant boom days, this particular Anthurium hybrid was one of the most highly coveted of all - and for good reason! It's a super dramatic plant, with rich, dark leaves and an almost iridescent shimmer to them. If you're building a dark-leaved plant...

The Lazy Guide to Growing Exotic Houseplants

In a post-COVID world, where the houseplant craze has died down and the bubble of insane prices has popped, it's super accessible to grab some fun houseplants to try. Or you're like me, and snagged a bunch as you came across them, and now you're trying to figure out...

How to Grow Lithops lesliei

I've been growing many of my lithops for several years now, and I'm far overdue for some detailed posts about the specific species in my collection! I'll start off with the popular and enormously easy to grow Lithops lesliei - a distinctive species with an enormous...
Care Diary: Echeveria hortencia

Care Diary: Echeveria hortencia

Echeveria hortencia was a succulent I was very happy to stumble upon last year - I love the dark colored, almost purple hues of the leaves. It looks exceptional when contrasted against anything with a slate blue or powdery white color, such as my Agave "Black and...

How to Care for Anthurium clarinervium

How to Care for Anthurium clarinervium

Anthurium Care is Definitely a Learning Curve Alternatively, "How I have almost killed my clarinervium, but it survived anyway" I love velvet-leaf Anthuriums. I love the velvety dark leaves, the striking contrast of the veins, the texture of the leaves, all of it. I...

Care Diary: Designer Aloe Hybrid “Krakatoa”

Care Diary: Designer Aloe Hybrid “Krakatoa”

Aloe hybrid "Krakatoa" - designer aloe cultivar These are funky, fun looking hybrids. The word Krakatoa is Indonesian-ish in origin (people who study word etymology could probably give you a more detailed answer on that, but I present Wikipedia as where I'm grabbing...

Preparing Cacti for Winter Weather

Preparing Cacti for Winter Weather

Preparing for Winter - Yes, It Gets Cold in San Diego Based on my Instagram feed, most of the US started preparing their plants for winter a couple months ago. The main indicator that it's time to start winter prep is when the nights turn cold - once temperatures...

Care Diary: The Prayer Plant; Maranta leuconeura

Care Diary: The Prayer Plant; Maranta leuconeura

This post contains affiliate links - updated 4/14/2024 Affiliate links help me pay for server costs! 🙂 The Prayer Plant - genus Maranta You either love these or hate them. Some people find them to be extremely challenging to grow houseplants, while others have no...