Astrophytum capricorne | variegated crosses | seeds


Seeds from hand-pollinated, US grown Astrophytum capricorne


Hand pollinated crosses between my variegated Astrophytum capricorne and multiple phenotypes of the species. I’ve routinely sown seeds from these pairings each spring, and it produces a range of phenotypes including highly spotted, heavily spined, thin spines, and more. Variegation does occur in seeds from these crosses, but is uncommon.

While variegation is highly variable and low in likelihood, that percentage of variegated offspring increases with at least one variegated parent.

I have sown these with great success following the process outlined in my cactus sowing resource guide.

Additional information

Weight .2 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 1 × 1 in

5, 10, 25, 50


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