T-rex Plants Blog

Published weekly. Ish. You can also follow along on Instagram at @trexplants

Etiolation in Succulents and How to Prevent It

Last week, I talked about etiolation in cacti, how to spot it, and how to prevent it. This week, let's talk about the ways we're torturing our succulents with inadequate light. Quick refresher on etiolation: When grown in inadequate light, plants will stretch and...

What Is Etiolation and How Can You Prevent It?

One of the most common issues with growing cacti and succulents is the problem of etiolation.  But what is it, and why should you care about it? Etiolation is an effect from growing a flowering plant in too little light, whether that's just not quite enough or even...

Growing Notocactus schlosseri – Cinnamon Cactus

These are a fairly common little cactus that I've had for quite a while, and sold quite a few of. A very attractive little cactus that stay a small, manageable size, they do well as little potted plants. As with most Notocactus species, they produce huge, brilliant...
Etiolation in Succulents and How to Prevent It

Etiolation in Succulents and How to Prevent It

Last week, I talked about etiolation in cacti, how to spot it, and how to prevent it. This week, let's talk about the ways we're torturing our succulents with inadequate light. Quick refresher on etiolation: When grown in inadequate light, plants will stretch and...

Growing Sulcorebutia arenacea

Growing Sulcorebutia arenacea

An uncommon genus is the Rebutia or Sulcorebutia genus, which can form small clusters of plants (sometimes just a single main 'head'), often with small, dense spines. They tend to stay small, developing large clusters over time, and while cute aren't always very...

How to Grow Astrophytum myriostigma

How to Grow Astrophytum myriostigma

These little cacti are favorites for almost all collectors; I can't think of any growers I know who don't have at least one in their collection (or had one at some point, anyway). The lack of spines, the alien-like appearance, and something about how sculptural they...

Growing Dudleya pachyphytum

Growing Dudleya pachyphytum

These plants are, for me, one of those 'holy grail' species I've loved for years. I haven't posted about them, or any of my dudleyas, before now because I was pretty convinced I was terrible at growing them. If I keep killing something, it seems a bit disingenuous to...

Growing Melocactus azureus – The Turk’s Cap Cactus

Growing Melocactus azureus – The Turk’s Cap Cactus

I've waited a long time to write about these, despite having grown them for the last 5 years and selling more than a few of them on my Etsy shop. They have a reputation for being hard to grow and finicky, something I experienced myself with the first couple I tried to...