T-rex Plants Blog

Published weekly. Ish. You can also follow along on Instagram at @trexplants

Anthurium Ace of Spades – Highly Coveted and Gorgeous

In the COVID plant boom days, this particular Anthurium hybrid was one of the most highly coveted of all - and for good reason! It's a super dramatic plant, with rich, dark leaves and an almost iridescent shimmer to them. If you're building a dark-leaved plant...

The Lazy Guide to Growing Exotic Houseplants

In a post-COVID world, where the houseplant craze has died down and the bubble of insane prices has popped, it's super accessible to grab some fun houseplants to try. Or you're like me, and snagged a bunch as you came across them, and now you're trying to figure out...

How to Grow Lithops lesliei

I've been growing many of my lithops for several years now, and I'm far overdue for some detailed posts about the specific species in my collection! I'll start off with the popular and enormously easy to grow Lithops lesliei - a distinctive species with an enormous...
Care Diary: Aloe erinacea

Care Diary: Aloe erinacea

This aloe is a show stopper in nearly every collection, particularly as they gain some size. They are slow growing, which contributes to some of what makes them so coveted: a large specimen is often 30+ years old, usually older.  I picked mine up in 2019, and they...

Care Diary: How to Grow Discocactus chrystillophilum

Care Diary: How to Grow Discocactus chrystillophilum

I have held off on blogging about the care of this particular species of cactus as I've read and heard that they can be finicky, difficult, and tend to be quite sensitive. I've had my Discocactus chrystallophilus for almost a year now, and they're relatively small,...

Care Diary: Agave celsii var multicolor

Care Diary: Agave celsii var multicolor

When it comes to excellent landscape Agaves, the Agave "celsii multicolor" is a popular choice. They reach a moderate, manageable size and are extremely attractive in the garden. They're also somewhat uncommon, and typically found as small seedlings in 4" pots if...

Care Diary: Aloe aculeata

Care Diary: Aloe aculeata

I admittedly have an obsession with the aloes I've seen at the Safari Park that look like, as my brain likes to call them, "Dinosaur Skin". The ones at the Safari Park are huge, but the texture seems to occur in a handful of species. I'll be talking about one of my...

Care Diary: How to Grow Ledebouria socialis

Care Diary: How to Grow Ledebouria socialis

Inspired by seeing that Keri of @succulents.and.clay recently picked one up, I thought I'd describe care for one of my favorite not-quite-succulents: Ledebouria socialias. These funky little bulbs are fantastic. I found one little bulb of a Ledebouria socialis years...